
Maryland Mall

A bustling urban scene featuring a large billboard advertisement on the façade of the Maryland Mall in Lagos, designed by Oshinowo Studio and led by Tosin Oshinowo. The billboard displays various ads, including one from Stanbic IBTC Bank with the slogan "Let's be your partner, move your salary account to us". It also includes a digital display showing the date "15 Nov 2016", time "18:15", and temperature "28°C". In the foreground, blurred images of fast-moving yellow buses and other vehicles are captured on a busy road.

Purple Capital Partners Limited


June 2016


Maryland, Lagos, Nigeria



Maryland Mall has fondly been coined ‘THE BIG BLACK BOX’ and is now a fond landmark in the City of Lagos. Our design intent was to make the building a silhouette backdrop to the LED screen and all brand signage. The screen, which is 60meters long, was at the time of build, the longest in West Africa, which also ensures our building is a Cartesian revenue generator across the vertical plane. Horizontally, we used design and programme to ensure a viable and sustainable retail hub for the 40 shopping outlets, banks, restaurants, a supermarket, a state of the art 4-screen cinema located in the building.

In contrast to the Brutalist-minimal exterior, the interior opens up to a warm light pallet with all the ‘pomp and pageantry’ for a shopping experience. We have also used this platform to celebrate local Artist Dudu Emmanuel, who produced the sculpture ‘give and take’ the art of commerce’ at the pedestrian entrance and Jade Folawiyo, a product designer who created the feature lighting in the Artium by the celebrated entrance.

A bustling urban scene featuring a large billboard advertisement on the façade of the Maryland Mall in Lagos, designed by Oshinowo Studio and led by Tosin Oshinowo. The billboard displays various ads, including one from Stanbic IBTC Bank with the slogan "Let's be your partner, move your salary account to us". It also includes a digital display showing the date "15 Nov 2016", time "18:15", and temperature "28°C". In the foreground, blurred images of fast-moving yellow buses and other vehicles are captured on a busy road.
Nighttime view of Maryland Mall, designed by Oshinowo Studio and led by Tosin Oshinowo. The mall's exterior is striking with its large, illuminated billboard featuring an advertisement from Stanbic IBTC Bank. The facade is sleek and modern, primarily black, with the mall's name in stylish pink lettering. The parking lot in front of the mall is well-lit and filled with cars, showcasing a bustling evening scene. A digital display on the building provides the time "18:59" and temperature "27°C", adding a dynamic urban touch to the setting.
Evening view of Maryland Mall, designed by Oshinowo Studio and led by Tosin Oshinowo. The large, imposing structure of the mall is captured against the night sky, its facade dramatically illuminated by a brightly lit billboard showcasing advertisements, including a prominent one for Stanbic IBTC Bank. The mall's name is highlighted in pink neon letters on the side. Below, the entrance is brightly lit, with several cars parked in the foreground, adding a bustling atmosphere to the scene. The temperature display reads "27°C", suggesting a warm evening.
Nighttime view of Maryland Mall, designed by Oshinowo Studio and led by Tosin Oshinowo. The mall's exterior is striking with its large, illuminated billboard featuring an advertisement from Stanbic IBTC Bank. The facade is sleek and modern, primarily black, with the mall's name in stylish pink lettering. The parking lot in front of the mall is well-lit and filled with cars, showcasing a bustling evening scene. A digital display on the building provides the time "18:59" and temperature "27°C", adding a dynamic urban touch to the setting.
Inside Maryland Mall, designed by Oshinowo Studio and led by Tosin Oshinowo, this image captures a well-lit, spacious interior hallway with glossy tiled floors reflecting overhead lights. To the left, there's a shop with a colorful display promoting career opportunities at Montaigne Place. Straight ahead, the Samsung store showcases its sleek, modern interior through large glass windows. On the right, another store named "Samsung" is visible. The scene includes a few shoppers walking through, adding a dynamic element to the tranquil shopping environment. A unique pink light fixture hangs from the ceiling, adding a touch of modern design to the space.
Inside a modern shopping mall designed by Oshinowo Studio and led by Tosin Oshinowo, this image showcases a spacious interior with a Shoprite U-Save store. The store features a bright red and yellow sign above its entrance, proclaiming "Everyday Low Price." The area is well-lit with recessed ceiling lights, and the floors are clean and shiny, reflecting the overhead lighting. A closed security window and a seating area with a small plant add to the utilitarian yet inviting atmosphere of the mall corridor.
An overhead view of a spacious interior within a shopping mall designed by Oshinowo Studio and led by Tosin Oshinowo. Two individuals are playfully lying on the floor, their arms spread wide, next to a wooden bench with a small plant. Above them hangs a sign for Shoprite U-Save, promoting "Everyday Low Price." The floor is tiled in a light color with darker accents, reflecting the bright interior lighting. The area is bordered by a balustrade, providing a glimpse into another level of the mall, contributing to the open and airy architecture of the space.
An artistic installation on the high ceiling of a building designed by Oshinowo Studio and led by Tosin Oshinowo. The artwork features several large, abstract sculptures made from what appears to be twisted and woven materials, in hues of blue, green, and brown. These dynamic forms are mounted against a stark white background, creating a striking visual contrast. The installation is viewed from below, emphasizing its position above a wide, uncluttered hallway within the modern architectural space, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the building's interior design.
An architectural detail inside a building designed by Oshinowo Studio and led by Tosin Oshinowo. This image showcases a series of cylindrical pillars with intricate geometric patterns carved into their surfaces. The pillars are arranged in a row along the length of a hallway, with soft lighting illuminating their textured designs. The patterns, reminiscent of traditional Nigerian motifs, add a touch of cultural richness to the contemporary interior space. The perspective captures the pillars extending into the distance, creating a sense of depth and rhythm within the architectural composition.